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Nicholas’ love for Themed Entertainment, Scenic Design, and Immersive Experiences started when he was very young. As a lifelong Southern Californian who has always lived close to some of the world’s most popular theme parks (and as a very socially confused neurodivergent child), he always found refuge in the happy and structured environments they offered. When he was eight years old, he and his mom found out the house they were living in was infested with black mold. He became incredibly sick- and he needed the relief of theme parks more than ever.


As he got older and began to recover, he learned that the feeling of reassurance and freedom he got from visiting theme parks wasn’t just limited to that world. There was an entire world of entertainment that delivered on many of the same levels as theme parks. It was then he knew this craft was truly boundless.


Nicholas now carries a love of story-driven experiences and the entire process that goes into making them. A love which he carries with him every day, and uses to fuel all of his work. This tangible art form of themed and immersive experiences uses all four senses to truly communicate with guests deeper meanings, inspirations and understanding. For that reason, it will always be the most powerful and touching art form to him. And having any hand in any moment of the process of making these experiences, from the conceptualization and development phase all the way to the fabrication and installation, is something he works toward achieving almost every day.


…we stimulate them with another kind of emotion, with the kind of stimulus that says, 'You're going to be okay.'

          - John Hench



Phone Number: 949-302-7107

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